
1. Relating to any porta or hilus, specifically to the porta hepatis and the p. vein. 2. The point of entry into the body of a pathogenic microorganism. SYN: port. [L. portalis, pertaining to a porta (gate)]
- anterior intestinal p. SYN: fovea cardiaca.
- posterior intestinal p. in young embryos, the communications from the midgut to the hindgut.

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por·tal 'pȯrt-əl n a communicating part or area of an organism: as
b) the point at which something enters the body <\portals of infection>
portal adj
1) of or relating to the porta hepatis
2) of, relating to, or being a portal vein or a portal system <\portal blood> <\portal circulation>

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1. relating to the portal vein or system.
2. relating to a porta.

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por·tal (porґtəl) 1. porta. 2. pertaining to a porta, or entrance, especially to the porta hepatis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.