
1. Favoring pregnancy; conducive to gestation; capable of stimulating the uterine changes essential for implantation and growth of a fertilized ovum. 2. Referring to progesterone, or to a drug with progesterone-like properties.

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pro·ges·ta·tion·al .prō-.jes-'tā-shnəl, -shən-əl adj preceding pregnancy or gestation esp of, relating to, inducing, or constituting the modifications of the female mammalian system associated esp. with ovulation and corpus luteum formation <\progestational hormones>

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pro·ges·ta·tion·al (pro″jəs-taґshən-əl) 1. a term applied to that phase of the menstrual cycle just before menstruation, when the corpus luteum is active and the endometrium secreting. 2. having effects similar to those of progesterone; see also under agent.

Medical dictionary. 2011.