
Abnormal decrease in blood volume (strictly speaking, in the blood plasma).
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A decreased amount of blood in the body. SYN: hyphemia. [hypo- + L. volumen, volume, + G. haima, blood]

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hy·po·vo·le·mia or chiefly Brit hy·po·vo·lae·mia -väl-'ē-mē-ə n decrease in the volume of the circulating blood
hy·po·vo·le·mic or chiefly Brit hy·po·vo·lae·mic -'ē-mik adj

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hy·po·vo·le·mia (hi″po-vo-leґme-ə) [hypo- + volume + -emia] abnormally decreased volume of circulating blood in the body; the most common cause is hemorrhage. hypovolemic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.