1. Reproduction or reconstitution of a lost or injured part. SYN: neogenesis. 2. A form of asexual reproduction; e.g., when a worm is divided into two or more parts, each segment is regenerated into a new individual. [L. regeneratio (see regenerate)]
- aberrant r. misdirected regrowth of nerve fibers seen, for example, after oculomotor nerve injury. SYN: misdirection phenomenon.
- guided tissue r. r. of tissue directed by the physical presence and/or chemical activities of a biomaterial; often involves placement of barriers to exclude one or more cell types during healing or r. of tissue.
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re·gen·er·a·tion ri-.jen-ə-'rā-shən, .rē- n
1) an act or the process of regenerating: the state of being regenerated
2) the renewal, regrowth, or restoration of a body or a bodily part, tissue, or substance after injury or as a normal bodily process <continual \regeneration of epithelial cells> <\regeneration of the uterine lining> compare REGULATION (2a)
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re·gen·er·a·tion (re-jen″ər-aґshən) [re- + generation] the natural renewal of a structure, as of a lost tissue or part.Medical dictionary. 2011.