
1. SYN: adiposis. 2. SYN: fatty degeneration. [steato- + G. -osis, condition]
- s. cardiaca excessive fat on the pericardium and invading the cardiac muscle.
- s. cordis fatty degeneration of the heart.
- hepatic s. SYN: fatty liver.

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ste·a·to·sis .stē-ə-'tō-səs n, pl -to·ses -.sēz FATTY DEGENERATION <\steatosis of the liver>

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infiltration of hepatocyte with fat. This may occur in pregnancy, alcoholism, malnutrition, obesity, hepatitis C infection, or with some drugs.

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ste·a·to·sis (ste″ə-toґsis) fatty change.

Medical dictionary. 2011.