
Excessive local or general accumulation of fat in the body. SYN: lipomatosis, liposis (1), steatosis (1). [adipo- + G. -osis, condition]
- a. cerebralis obesity resulting from intracranial disease, most commonly of the hypothalamus, resulting in hyperphagia.
- a. dolorosa a condition characterized by a deposit of symmetrical nodular or pendulous masses of fat in various regions of the body, with discomfort or pain. SYN: Anders disease, Dercum disease, lipomatosis neurotica.
- a. orchica SYN: adiposogenital dystrophy.
- a. tuberosa simplex a condition resembling a. dolorosa, in which the fat occurs in small, nodular masses, which are sensitive to touch and may be spontaneously painful, on the abdomen or on the extremities.
- a. universalis excessive deposition of fat throughout all parts of the body, including the viscera.

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ad·i·po·sis .ad-ə-'pō-səs n, pl -po·ses -.sēz
2) the condition of fatty infiltration or degeneration of single organs (as the heart or liver)

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the presence of abnormally large accumulations of fat in the body. The condition may arise from overeating, hormone irregularities, or a metabolic disorder. In adiposis dolorosa, a condition affecting women more commonly than men, painful fatty swellings are associated with defects in the nervous system. See also obesity.

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ad·i·po·sis (ad″ĭ-poґsis) [adip- + -osis] 1. obesity. 2. fatty change of an organ or tissue; see under change.

Medical dictionary. 2011.