
A membranous cover or horizontal partition. [L. tent, fr. tendo, to stretch]
- t. cerebelli [TA] a strong fold of dura mater roofing over the posterior cranial fossa with an anterior median opening, the tentorial notch, through which the midbrain passes; the t. cerebelli is attached along the midline to the falx cerebri and separates the cerebellum from the basal surface of the occipital and temporal lobes of the cerebral hemisphere. SYN: cerebellar t. [TA].
- cerebellar t. [TA] SYN: t. cerebelli.
- t. of hypophysis SYN: diaphragma sellae.

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ten·to·ri·um -ē-əm n, pl -ria -ē-ə TENTORIUM CEREBELLI

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a curved infolded sheet of dura mater that dips inwards from the skull and separates the cerebellum below from the occipital lobes of the cerebral hemispheres above.

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ten·to·ri·um (ten-torґe-əm) pl. tentoґria [L. “tent”] an anatomical part resembling a tent or a covering.

Medical dictionary. 2011.