
Possession of mature masculine somatic characteristics by a girl, woman, or prepubescent male; may be present at birth or may appear later, depending on its cause; may be relatively mild (e.g., hirsutism) or severe and is commonly the result of gonadal or adrenocortical dysfunction, or of androgenic therapy. [L. virilis, masculine]
- adrenal v. v. produced by excessive or abnormal secretory patterns of adrenocortical steroids. SYN: adrenal virilizing syndrome.

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vir·il·ism 'vir-ə-.liz-əm n
1) precocious development of secondary sex characteristics in the male
2) the appearance of secondary sex characteristics of the male in a female

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the development in a female of a combination of increased body hair, muscle bulk, and deepening of the voice (masculinization) and male psychological characteristics.

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vir·i·lism (virґĭ-liz-əm) the development or possession of male secondary sex characters in a female or prepubertal male. Cf. masculinization.

Medical dictionary. 2011.