
Nausea is the urge to vomit. It can be brought by many causes including, systemic illnesses, such as influenza, medications, pain, and inner ear disease.
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An inclination to vomit. SYN: sicchasia (1). [L. fr. G. nausia, seasickness, fr. naus, ship]
- epidemic n. SYN: epidemic vomiting.
- n. gravidarum SYN: morning sickness.

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nau·sea 'nȯ-zē-ə, -sē-ə; 'nȯ-zhə, -shə n a stomach distress with distaste for food and an urge to vomit

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the feeling that one is about to vomit, as experienced in seasickness and in morning sickness of early pregnancy. Actual vomiting often occurs subsequently.

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nau·sea (nawґze-ə) [L., from Gr. nausia seasickness] a sensation of wanting to vomit, vaguely referred to the epigastrium and abdomen, and often culminating in vomiting.

Medical dictionary. 2011.