
1) The science or practice of taking in and utilizing foods. 2) A nourishing substance, such as nutritional solutions delivered to hospitalized patients via an IV or IG tube.
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1. A function of living plants and animals, consisting in the taking in and metabolism of food material whereby tissue is built up and energy liberated. SYN: trophism (2). 2. The study of the food and liquid requirements of human beings or animals for normal physiologic function, including energy, need, maintenance, growth, activity, reproduction, and lactation. [L. nutritio, fr. nutrio, to nourish]
- total parenteral n. (TPN) n. maintained entirely by central intravenous injection or other nongastrointestinal route.

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nu·tri·tion n(y)u̇-'trish-ən n
1) the act or process of nourishing or being nourished specif the sum of the processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances
2) food (1), nourishment
nu·tri·tion·al -'trish-nəl, -ən-əl adj
nu·tri·tion·al·ly adv

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1. the study of food in relation to the physiological processes that depend on its absorption by the body (growth, energy production, repair of body tissues, etc.). The science of nutrition includes the study of diets and of deficiency diseases.
2. the intake of nutrients and their subsequent absorption and assimilation by the tissues. Patients who cannot be fed in a normal way can be given nutrients by tubes into the intestines (enteral feeding) or by infusion into a vein (intravenous feeding).

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nu·tri·tion (noo-trĭґshən) [L. nutritio] the taking in and metabolism of nutrients (food and other nourishing material) by an organism so that life is maintained and growth can take place. nutritional adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.