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A small bone; specifically, one of the bones of the tympanic cavity or middle ear. SYN: ossiculum [TA], bonelet. [L. ossiculum, dim. of os, bone]
- auditory ossicles [TA] the small bones of the middle ear; they are articulated to form a chain for the transmission of sound from the tympanic membrane to the oval window. SYN: ossicula auditus [TA], ear bones, ossicular chain.
- Bertin ossicles SYN: sphenoidal conchae, under concha.
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os·si·cle 'äs-i-kəl n a small bone or bony structure esp any of three small bones of the middle ear including the malleus, incus, and stapes
os·sic·u·lar ä-'sik-yə-lər adj
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a small bone. The auditory ossicles are three small bones (the incus, malleus, and stapes) in the middle ear. They transmit sound from the outer ear to the labyrinth (inner ear).
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os·si·cle (osґĭ-kəl) [L. ossiculum] ossiculum; a small bone. ossicular adjMedical dictionary. 2011.