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- autoimmune t. SYN: Hashimoto t..
- chronic atrophic t. replacement of the thyroid gland by fibrous tissue, the commonest cause of myxedema in older persons.
- focal lymphocytic t. focal infiltration of the thyroid by lymphocytes and plasma cells. SEE ALSO: Hashimoto t..
- giant follicular t. a variant of Hashimoto t. in which lymphocytic infiltrate in thyroid has formed into giant follicles.
- Hashimoto t. diffuse infiltration of the thyroid gland with lymphocytes, resulting in diffuse goiter, progressive destruction of the parenchyma and hypothyroidism. SYN: autoimmune t., chronic lymphadenoid t., chronic lymphocytic t., Hashimoto disease, Hashimoto struma, lymphocytic t., struma lymphomatosa.
- lymphocytic t. SYN: Hashimoto t..
- parasitic t. chronic South American trypanosomiasis with involvement of the thyroid gland, causing myxedema.
- Riedel t. a rare fibrous induration of the thyroid gland, with adhesion to adjacent structures, which may cause tracheal compression. SYN: chronic fibrous t., ligneous struma, ligneous t., Riedel disease, Riedel struma.
- subacute granulomatous t. t. with round cell (usually lymphocytes) infiltration, destruction of thyroid cells, epithelial giant cell proliferation, and evidence of regeneration; thought by some to be a reflection of a systemic infection and not an example of true chronic t.. SYN: de Quervain t., giant cell t..
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thy·roid·itis .thī-.rȯid-'īt-əs, -rəd- n inflammation of the thyroid gland
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inflammation of the thyroid gland. Acute thyroiditis is due to bacterial infection; chronic thyroiditis is commonly caused by an abnormal immune response (see autoimmunity) in which lymphocytes invade the tissues of the gland. See Hashimoto's disease.
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thy·roid·itis (thi″roid-iґtis) inflammation of the thyroid gland; called also thyroadenitis.Medical dictionary. 2011.