
Кто много говорит, тот мало делает
Those who boast of doing much do little. See Где много слов, там мало дела (Г), За бездельника язык работает (3), Кто в кони пошел, тот и воду вози (K), Кто говорит без умолку, в том мало толку (K), Много слов, а мало дела (M)
Cf: The cow that moos the most gives the least milk (Am.). A dog that barks much is never a good hunter (Br.). Great boaster, little doer (Am.). Great braggarts are little doers (Am.). The greatest talkers are the least doers (Am., Br.). Great talkers are little doers (Br.). Great talkers, little doers (Am., Br.). Much talk, little work (Am.). Never was a mewing cat a good mouser (Br.). They brag most that can do least (Am., Br.). 'Tis not the hen that cackles most that lays the most eggs (Am.)

Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок. . 2013.