
1) Общая лексика: МКС (International Classification for Standards), (Intercostal Space) межрёберное пространство
2) Компьютерная техника: Information And Computer Sciences, Integrated Communication Services, Integrating Cognitive Systems, Internal Computer Settings
3) Медицина: intracardiac shunt (внутрисердечный шунт), inhaled corticosteroid (ингаляционный кортикостероид), intercostal space (межреберье, межреберный промежуток), intracranial stent
4) Военный термин: Intelligence Center and School, Intelligence Community Staff, improved communications system, infrared calibration system, infrared communications system, infrared countermeasures system, input control system, integrated checkout, integrated combat ship, integrated combat system, integrated command system, integrated communications system, interagency communications system, intercommunications control station, intercommunications system, interim contractor support, internal countermeasures set, international code of signals, interphone control system, inventory control system, inverse conical scanning, РЦШ (центр и школа разведки) (Intelligence Center and School)
5) Техника: International Council for Science, instrumentation and communications subsystem, instrumentation and control subsystem, instrumentation checkout station, instrumentation control system, integrated checkout system, integrated circuits standard, intercommunications set, internal communications system, iodine cleanup system
6) Шутливое выражение: Infinite City Sleaze
7) Юридический термин: International Crime Syndicate
8) Фармакология: intranasal corticosteroids
9) Страхование: International Chamber of Shipping, London
10) Автомобильный термин: idle control solenoid (GM), Impact Classification System
11) Грубое выражение: Idiot Control Specialist
12) Телекоммуникации: Система взаиморасчётов с партнёрами
13) Сокращение: ID Tag Code Sort, ID code sortation (allows BCS to sort using flourescent ID tages as well as POSTNET barcode), Identification Code Sort, Improved Composite Structure, Information Communication Services, Integrated Communications / Command System (UK), InterComm System, Intercockpit Communication System, Intercommunication System, Interdepartmental Committee on Security, Interference Cancellation System, Interim Contract Support, International Chamber of Shipping, International College of Surgeons, International Correspondence Schools, interphone control station, International Continence Society, Integrated Communication System, Intuitive Command Structure, Investment Climate Statement
14) Физика: Incredible Cross Sections
15) Физиология: Immuno Compromised Services, Intercostal space
16) Электроника: Integrated Cable Systems, Integrated Circuitry System, Intermittant Current Surge, Internal Component System, Inverse Capacitance Squared
17) Вычислительная техника: IBM Cabling System, Internet Caching System, International Classification for Standards (ISO), Internet Connection Sharing (MS, IE, DHCP), Irish Computer Society (organization, Irland)
18) Нефть: customer instrument service, integral control system
19) Транспорт: Instant Cart Service
20) Фирменный знак: International Control Systems
21) Деловая лексика: Internet Courier Service
22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Integrated control system, information communication system, система руководства по плану ликвидации аварии (Incident Command System), система управления в чрезвычайной ситуации (Incident Command System)
23) Образование: International Community School, International Correspondence School
24) Сетевые технологии: Information Collaboration Site, Integrated Commerce Services, Integrated Communication Subsystem, Inter Cluster Separation, Interface To Content Server, интегральная коммуникационная подсистема
25) Сахалин Р: Incident Command System
26) Химическое оружие: Instrument control system, Instrumentation and control system
27) Макаров: integral cross section
28) Безопасность: Inexpensive Cloaking Script
29) Расширение файла: Input Control Subsystem, Internet Connection Sharing (Microsoft)
30) ООН: Information Centres Services
31) Должность: Inventory Control Specialist
32) Чат: Inner City Sleeping
33) NYSE. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.