
abbr. compact disc read-only memory (for retrieval of text or data on a VDU screen).

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a compact disk that is used with a computer (rather than with an audio system); a large amount of digital information can be stored and accessed but it cannot be altered by the user
Syn: ↑compact disc read-only memory
compact disk, ↑compact disc, ↑CD, ↑read-only memory, ↑ROM, ↑read-only storage, ↑fixed storage

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\\¦sēˌdē¦räm\ noun (-s)
Etymology: compact disc read-only memory
: a compact disc containing data that can be read by a computer — compare CD-I herein

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/see"dee'rom"/, n.
a compact disk on which a large amount of digitized read-only data can be stored. Cf. ROM.
[c(ompact) d(isk) r(ead-)o(nly) m(emory)]

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CD-ROM /sē-dē-romˈ/ (computing)
Compact disc read-only memory, a system allowing access to, but not alteration of, information on a compact disc

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CD-ROM UK US noun [countable/uncountable] [singular CD-ROM plural CD-ROMs]
compact disc read-only memory: a CD that stores large amounts of information for use by a computer

The encyclopedia is now available on CD-ROM.

Thesaurus: computer memory and data storage deviceshyponym

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CD-ROM (no periods),
compact disk read-only memory (an optical disk used for permanent storage of a large amount of data).

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[ˌsē ˌdē 'räm]
n. a compact disc used as a read-only optical memory device for a computer system
1980s: acronym from compact disc read-only memory

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/ˌsiːˌdiːˈrɑːm/ noun, pl -ROMs
: a small plastic disk on which large amounts of information (such as books, pictures, or computer programs) are stored in a form that cannot be changed

The dictionary comes with a free CD-ROM.


The dictionary is available on CD-ROM.

CD-ROM is an abbreviation of “compact disc read-only memory.”

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CD-ROM [CD-ROM CD-ROMs] [ˌsiː diː ˈrɒm] [ˈrɑːm] noun countable, uncountable
the abbreviation for compact disc read-only memory (a CD on which large amounts of information, sound and pictures can be stored, for use on a computer)

The software package contains 5 CD-ROMs.

The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM.

a CD-ROM drive

(= in a computer)
compare ROM
Word Origin:
1980s: acronym from compact disc read-only memory.  
Example Bank:

This dictionary is also available on CD-ROM.

This is the CD-ROM edition of the encyclopedia.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.