
gen|teel «jehn TEEL», adjective.
1. belonging or suited to polite society: »

Do now send a genteel conveyance for them, for…they were most of them used to ride in their own carriages (Richard Brinsley Sheridan).

2. polite; well-bred; fashionable; elegant: »

the genteelest dinner I have ever seen (Samuel Pepys).

SYNONYM(S): refined.
3. trying to be aristocratic; artificially polite and courteous: »

Her mannerisms were painfully genteel.

[< French gentil < Latin gentīlis. See etym. of doublets gentile (Cf.gentile), gentle (Cf.gentle), jaunty. (Cf.jaunty)]
gen|teel´ly, adverb.
gen|teel´ness, noun.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.