
Samuel Pepys
English diarist whose diary contained detailed descriptions of 17th century disasters in England (1633-1703)
Syn: ↑Pepys
Instance Hypernyms: ↑diarist, ↑diary keeper, ↑journalist

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Samuel Pepys [Samuel Pepys]
(1633–1703) an Englishman known today because of his detailed diaries, written between 1660 and 1669 but not published until the 19th century. He was a senior government officer in the service of two kings, ↑Charles II and ↑James II, and he wrote about ↑court and social life in the 17th century, as well as recording major events such as the Great Fire of London. He also included many private details about his own life. He knew many of the most important figures of his day, including Sir Christopher Wren and Sir Isaac Newton. Pepys often ended his writing for the day with the phrase ‘And so to bed’, which people sometimes use in a humorous way today.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.