
lan|guor «LANG guhr», noun, verb.
1. lack of energy; weakness; weariness: »

A long illness caused his languor.

SYNONYM(S): feebleness, fatigue.
2. lack of interest or enthusiasm; indifference: »

Languor is not in your heart (Matthew Arnold).

SYNONYM(S): apathy.
3. softness or tenderness of mood.
4. quietness; stillness: »

the languor of a summer afternoon.

5. lack of activity; sluggishness: »

The languor of Rome—its weary pavements, its little life (Hawthorne).

to grow weak; languish: »

to languor with an illness.

[< Old French languor, or langour < Latin languor < languēre be weary]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.