
James II
the last Stuart to be king of England and Ireland and Scotland; overthrown in 1688 (1633-1701)
Syn: ↑James
Instance Hypernyms: ↑King of England, ↑King of Great Britain
Member Holonyms: ↑Stuart

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1633-1701, king of England, Ireland, and Scotland 1685-88 (son of Charles I of England).

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James II [James II]
(1633–1701) the king of England and Scotland from 1685 to 1688. He was the son of ↑Charles I and the younger brother of ↑Charles II, becoming king after Charles II died. He faced a lot of opposition because he was a Roman Catholic, and in 1688 he was replaced by the Protestant ↑William III. James went to Ireland in 1689 to try to win back power, but was defeated at the ↑Battle of the Boyne. He lived the rest of his life in France.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.