
second thought
thinking again about a choice previously made (Freq. 1)

he had second thoughts about his purchase

Syn: ↑reconsideration, ↑afterthought, ↑rethink
Derivationally related forms: ↑rethink (for: ↑rethink), ↑reconsider (for: ↑reconsideration)
Hypernyms: ↑reversal, ↑change of mind, ↑flip-flop, ↑turnabout, ↑turnaround

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noun, pl ⋯ thoughts [count]
: a feeling of guilt, doubt, worry, etc., that you have after you have decided to do something or after something has happened

After she agreed to lend him the money, she had second thoughts.

She was having second thoughts about getting married.

They throw away perfectly good food without (so much as) a second thought. [=without worrying about it]

Don't give a second thought to [=don't worry about] that broken vase.

He hardly gave it a second thought.

on second thought (US) (or Brit on second thoughts)
: after thinking about something again

On second thought, I think I'll go after all.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.