
1. time need to prepare a vessel or ship for a return trip
Syn: ↑turnaround time
Hypernyms: ↑work time
2. a decision to reverse an earlier decision
Syn: ↑reversal, ↑change of mind, ↑flip-flop, ↑turnabout
Derivationally related forms: ↑flip-flop (for: ↑flip-flop), ↑reverse (for: ↑reversal)
Hypernyms: ↑decision making, ↑deciding
Hyponyms: ↑reconsideration, ↑second thought, ↑afterthought, ↑rethink
3. an area sufficiently large for a vehicle to turn around
Hypernyms: ↑area
Part Holonyms: ↑road, ↑route, ↑driveway, ↑drive, ↑private road
4. act or process of unloading and loading and servicing a vessel or aircraft for a return trip
Syn: ↑turnround
Hypernyms: ↑preparation, ↑readying
5. turning in the opposite direction
Syn: ↑reversion, ↑reverse, ↑reversal, ↑turnabout
Derivationally related forms: ↑reverse (for: ↑reversal), ↑reverse (for: ↑reverse)
Hypernyms: ↑change of direction, ↑reorientation
Hyponyms: ↑about-face, ↑about turn, ↑u-turn

Useful english dictionary. 2012.