
n. & v.
1 an explosive sound made by the sudden forcing of breath through the nose, esp. expressing indignation or incredulity.
2 a similar sound made by an engine etc.
3 colloq. a small drink of liquor.
4 an inhaled dose of a (usu. illegal) powdered drug.
1 intr. make a snort.
2 intr. (of an engine etc.) make a sound resembling this.
3 tr. (also absol.) sl. inhale (a usu. illegal narcotic drug, esp. cocaine or heroin).
4 tr. express (defiance etc.) by snorting.
Phrases and idioms:
snort out express (words, emotions, etc.) by snorting.
Etymology: ME, prob. imit.: cf. SNORE

Useful english dictionary. 2012.