
systema nervosum
the sensory and control apparatus consisting of a network of nerve cells
Syn: ↑nervous system
Hypernyms: ↑system
Hyponyms: ↑sympathetic nervous system, ↑parasympathetic nervous system, ↑parasympathetic
Part Holonyms: ↑body, ↑organic structure, ↑physical structure
Part Meronyms:
nervous tissue, ↑nerve tissue, ↑ganglion, ↑nerve cell, ↑neuron, ↑fiber bundle, ↑fibre bundle, ↑fascicle, ↑fasciculus, ↑central nervous system, ↑CNS, ↑systema nervosum centrale, ↑neural network, ↑neural net, ↑peripheral nervous system, ↑systema nervosum periphericum, ↑autonomic nervous system, ↑ANS

Useful english dictionary. 2012.