
unit of measurement
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange

the dollar is the United States unit of currency


a unit of wheat is a bushel


change per unit volume

Syn: ↑unit
Derivationally related forms: ↑unitize (for: ↑unit)
Hypernyms: ↑definite quantity
measuring unit, ↑measuring block, ↑denier, ↑diopter, ↑dioptre, ↑karat, ↑carat, ↑kt, ↑absorption unit, ↑acceleration unit, ↑angular unit, ↑area unit, ↑square measure, ↑volume unit, ↑capacity unit, ↑capacity measure, ↑cubage unit, ↑cubic measure, ↑cubic content unit, ↑displacement unit, ↑cubature unit, ↑computer memory unit, ↑electromagnetic unit, ↑emu, ↑explosive unit, ↑force unit, ↑linear unit, ↑linear measure, ↑metric unit, ↑metric, ↑miles per gallon, ↑monetary unit, ↑megaflop, ↑MFLOP, ↑million floating point operations per second, ↑teraflop, ↑trillion floating point operations per second, ↑MIPS, ↑million instructions per second, ↑pain unit, ↑pressure unit, ↑printing unit, ↑sound unit, ↑telephone unit, ↑temperature unit, ↑weight unit, ↑weight, ↑mass unit, ↑unit of viscosity, ↑work unit, ↑heat unit, ↑energy unit, ↑langley, ↑Brinell number, ↑point, ↑bit, ↑electrostatic unit

Useful english dictionary. 2012.