
(computer science) a unit for measuring the execution speed of a computer's CPU (but not the whole system)

4 MIPS is 4,000,000 instructions per second

Syn: ↑million instructions per second
Topics: ↑computer science, ↑computing
Hypernyms: ↑unit of measurement, ↑unit

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mips UK [mɪps] US noun [plural] computing
million instructions per second: a unit for measuring computer speed
Thesaurus: units for measuring computer information or speedhyponym abbreviations used in computing and on the internethyponym

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n. a unit of computing speed equivalent to a million instructions per second
1970s: acronym

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MIPS 7 [mɪps] [mɪps] abbreviation (computing)
million instructions per second (a unit for measuring computer speed)
Word Origin:
[MIPS] 1970s: acronym.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.