
n. & v.
1 a separate room or division of a hospital, prison, etc. (men's surgical ward).
2 a Brit. an administrative division of a constituency, usu. electing a councillor or councillors etc. b esp. US a similar administrative division.
3 a a minor under the care of a guardian appointed by the parents or a court. b (in full ward of court) a minor or mentally deficient person placed under the protection of a court.
4 (in pl.) the corresponding notches and projections in a key and a lock.
5 archaic a the act of guarding or defending a place etc. b the bailey of a castle. c a guardian's control; confinement; custody.
—v.tr. archaic guard; protect.
Phrases and idioms:
ward-heeler US a party worker in elections etc. ward off
1 parry (a blow).
2 avert (danger, poverty, etc.).
Etymology: OE weard, weardian f. Gmc: cf. GUARD

Useful english dictionary. 2012.