
1. American general during the American Revolution (1745-1796)
Syn: ↑Anthony Wayne, ↑Mad Anthony Wayne
Instance Hypernyms: ↑general, ↑full general
2. United States film actor who played tough heroes (1907-1979)
Syn: ↑John Wayne, ↑Duke Wayne
Instance Hypernyms: ↑actor, ↑histrion, ↑player, ↑thespian, ↑role player

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/wayn/, n.
1. Anthony ("Mad Anthony"), 1745-96, American Revolutionary War general.
2. John (Marion Michael Morrison) ("Duke"), 1907-79, U.S. film actor.
3. a township in N New Jersey. 46,474.
4. a city in SE Michigan, near Detroit. 21,159.
5. a male given name: from an Old English word meaning "wagonmaker."

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I [wān]
1) an industrial city in southeastern Michigan, southwest of Detroit; pop. 19,899
2) a residential and commercial township in northeastern New Jersey, northwest of Paterson; pop. 47,025
Anthony (1745 - 96), American soldier; known as Mad Anthony. A general noted for his courage and military brilliance, he is credited with saving West Point from British occupation following Benedict Arnold's betrayal. He retired in 1783, but returned to active duty in the 1790s, defeating the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in Ohio in 1794
James Moore (c.1790 - 1867), U.S. Supreme Court associate justice 1835 - 67. Before being appointed to the Court by President Jackson, he served in the U.S. House of Representatives 1829 - 35 as a member from Georgia. On the Court, he worked to achieve a compromise between slavery and preservation of the Union
John (1907 - 79), U.S. actor; born Marion Michael Morrison; known as the Duke. Associated with movie director John Ford from 1930, Wayne became a Hollywood star with Stagecoach (1939) and appeared in classic westerns such as Red River (1948), The Searchers (1956), and True Grit (1969), for which he won an Academy Award

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see vain a., vein n., wain n.1, n.2, n.3, v., wane n.1, n.2, v., wean v.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.