
full general
a general officer of the highest rank
Syn: ↑general
Derivationally related forms: ↑generalship (for: ↑general), ↑general (for: ↑general)
Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine
Hypernyms: ↑general officer
Hyponyms: ↑Blucher, ↑von Blucher, ↑G. L. von Blucher, ↑Gebhard Leberecht von Blucher
Instance Hyponyms:
Agricola, ↑Gnaeus Julius Agricola, ↑Alcibiades, ↑Antigonus, ↑Antigonus Cyclops, ↑Monophthalmos, ↑Antony, ↑Anthony, ↑Mark Antony, ↑Mark Anthony, ↑Antonius, ↑Marcus Antonius, ↑Arnold, ↑Benedict Arnold, ↑Belisarius, ↑Belshazzar, ↑Bolivar, ↑Simon Bolivar, ↑El Libertador, ↑Bradley, ↑Omar Bradley, ↑Omar Nelson Bradley, ↑Bragg, ↑Braxton Bragg, ↑Burgoyne, ↑John Burgoyne, ↑Gentleman Johnny, ↑Burnside, ↑A. E. Burnside, ↑Ambrose Everett Burnside, ↑Caesar, ↑Julius Caesar, ↑Gaius Julius Caesar, ↑Chiang Kai-shek, ↑Chiang Chung-cheng, ↑Churchill, ↑John Churchill, ↑Duke of Marlborough, ↑First Duke of Marlborough, ↑Clark, ↑Mark Clark, ↑Mark Wayne Clark, ↑Clausewitz, ↑Karl von Clausewitz, ↑Clay, ↑Lucius Clay, ↑Lucius DuBignon Clay, ↑Clive, ↑Robert Clive, ↑Baron Clive, ↑Baron Clive of Plassey, ↑Cornwallis, ↑Charles Cornwallis, ↑First Marquess Cornwallis, ↑Cromwell, ↑Oliver Cromwell, ↑Ironsides, ↑Cumberland, ↑William Augustus, ↑Duke of Cumberland, ↑Butcher Cumberland, ↑Custer, ↑George Armstrong Custer, ↑General Custer, ↑Dayan, ↑Moshe Dayan, ↑de Gaulle, ↑General de Gaulle, ↑Charles de Gaulle, ↑General Charles de Gaulle, ↑Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle, ↑Demetrius, ↑Demetrius I, ↑Demetrius Poliorcetes, ↑Doolittle, ↑Jimmy Doolittle, ↑James Harold Doolittle, ↑Dowding, ↑Hugh Dowding, ↑Baron Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding, ↑Dowdy, ↑Eisenhower, ↑Dwight Eisenhower, ↑Dwight D. Eisenhower, ↑Dwight David Eisenhower, ↑Ike, ↑President Eisenhower, ↑Eugene, ↑Prince Eugene of Savoy, ↑Flaminius, ↑Gaius Flaminius, ↑Franco, ↑Francisco Franco, ↑El Caudillo, ↑General Franco, ↑Garibaldi, ↑Giuseppe Garibaldi, ↑Grant, ↑Ulysses Grant, ↑Ulysses S. Grant, ↑Ulysses Simpson Grant, ↑Hiram Ulysses Grant, ↑President Grant, ↑Groves, ↑Leslie Richard Groves, ↑Hannibal, ↑Harris, ↑Bomber Harris, ↑Sir Arthur Travers Harris, ↑Hasdrubal, ↑Hindenburg, ↑Paul von Hindenburg, ↑Paul Ludwig von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg, ↑Holofernes, ↑Hooker, ↑Joseph Hooker, ↑Fighting Joe Hooker, ↑Houston, ↑Sam Houston, ↑Samuel Houston, ↑Jackson, ↑Andrew Jackson, ↑Old Hickory, ↑Thomas Jackson, ↑Thomas J. Jackson, ↑Thomas Jonathan Jackson, ↑Stonewall Jackson, ↑Johnston, ↑J. E. Johnston, ↑Joseph Eggleston Johnston, ↑Josephus, ↑Flavius Josephus, ↑Joseph ben Matthias, ↑Lee, ↑Robert E. Lee, ↑Robert Edward Lee, ↑Lucullus, ↑Licinius Lucullus, ↑Lucius Licinius Lucullus, ↑Luculus, ↑Lucius Licinius Luculus, ↑Lysander, ↑Lysimachus, ↑MacArthur, ↑Douglas MacArthur, ↑Marshall, ↑George Marshall, ↑George Catlett Marshall, ↑Meade, ↑George Gordon Meade, ↑Miltiades, ↑Mitchell, ↑William Mitchell, ↑Billy Mitchell, ↑Montgomery, ↑Bernard Law Montgomery, ↑Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, ↑1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, ↑Napoleon, ↑Napoleon I, ↑Napoleon Bonaparte, ↑Bonaparte, ↑Little Corporal, ↑Ney, ↑Michel Ney, ↑Duc d'Elchingen, ↑Pershing, ↑John Joseph Pershing, ↑Black Jack Pershing, ↑Pickett, ↑George Edward Pickett, ↑Pompey, ↑Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, ↑Pompey the Great, ↑Powell, ↑Colin Powell, ↑Colin luther Powell, ↑Rochambeau, ↑Comte de Rochambeau, ↑Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, ↑Santa Anna, ↑Santa Ana, ↑Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, ↑Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, ↑Saxe, ↑Hermann Maurice Saxe, ↑comte de Saxe, ↑Marshal Saxe, ↑Scipio, ↑Scipio Africanus, ↑Scipio Africanus Major, ↑Publius Cornelius Scipio, ↑Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major, ↑Scipio the Elder, ↑Scott, ↑Winfield Scott, ↑Seleucus, ↑Seleucus I, ↑Seleucus I Nicator, ↑Sherman, ↑William Tecumseh Sherman, ↑Siraj-ud-daula, ↑Stilwell, ↑Joseph Warren Stilwell, ↑Vinegar Joe Stilwell, ↑Uncle Joe, ↑Sulla, ↑Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, ↑Wallenstein, ↑Albrecht Eusebius Wenzel von Wallenstein, ↑Washington, ↑George Washington, ↑President Washington, ↑Wavell, ↑Archibald Percival Wavell, ↑First Earl Wavell, ↑Wayne, ↑Anthony Wayne, ↑Mad Anthony Wayne, ↑Wellington, ↑Duke of Wellington, ↑First Duke of Wellington, ↑Arthur Wellesley, ↑Iron Duke, ↑Xenophon, ↑Zhukov, ↑Georgi Zhukov, ↑Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov

Useful english dictionary. 2012.