
suffix forming nouns from nouns, adjectives, and many verbs, denoting:
1 a person, animal, or thing that performs a specified action or activity (cobbler; lover; executioner; poker; computer; eye-opener).
2 a person or thing that has a specified attribute or form (foreigner; four-wheeler; second-rater).
3 a person concerned with a specified thing or subject (hatter; geographer).
4 a person belonging to a specified place or group (villager; New Zealander; sixth-former).
Etymology: orig. 'one who has to do with': OE -ere f. Gmc
suffix forming the comparative of adjectives (wider; hotter) and adverbs (faster).
Etymology: OE -ra (adj.), -or (adv.) f. Gmc
suffix used in slang formations usu. distorting the root word (rugger; soccer).
Etymology: prob. an extension of -ER(1)
suffix forming iterative and frequentative verbs (blunder; glimmer; twitter).
Etymology: OE -erian, -rian f. Gmc
1 forming nouns and adjectives through OF or AF, corresponding to: a L -aris (sampler) (cf. -AR(1)). b L -arius, -arium (butler; carpenter; danger). c (through OF -euumlre) L -atura or (through OF -eoumlr) L -atorium (see COUNTER(1), FRITTER(2)).
2 = -OR.
suffix esp. Law forming nouns denoting verbal action or a document effecting this (cesser; disclaimer; misnomer).
The same ending occurs in dinner and supper.
Etymology: AF infin. ending of verbs

Useful english dictionary. 2012.