
n. & v.
1 a a structure carrying a road, path, railway, etc., across a stream, ravine, road, railway, etc. b anything providing a connection between different things (English is a bridge between nations).
2 the superstructure on a ship from which the captain and officers direct operations.
3 the upper bony part of the nose.
4 Mus. an upright piece of wood on a violin etc. over which the strings are stretched.
6 Billiards etc. a a long stick with a structure at the end which is used to support a cue for a difficult shot. b a support for a cue formed by a raised hand.
7 = land-bridge.
1 a be a bridge over (a fallen tree bridges the stream). b make a bridge over; span.
2 span as if with a bridge (bridged their differences with understanding).
Phrases and idioms:
bridge of asses = pons asinorum. bridge of boats a bridge formed by mooring boats together abreast across a river etc. bridge passage Mus. a transitional piece between main themes. bridging loan a loan from a bank etc. to cover the short interval between buying a house etc. and selling another. cross a (or that) bridge when one comes to it deal with a problem when and if it arises.
bridgeable adj.
Etymology: OE brycg f. Gmc
n. a card-game derived from whist, in which one player's cards are exposed and are played by his or her partner (cf. auction bridge, contract bridge).
Phrases and idioms:
bridge roll a small soft bread roll.
Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.