
ductless gland
any of the glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream
Syn: ↑endocrine gland, ↑endocrine
Derivationally related forms: ↑endocrinal (for: ↑endocrine)
Hypernyms: ↑gland, ↑secretory organ, ↑secretor, ↑secreter
thyroid gland, ↑thyroid, ↑parathyroid gland, ↑parathyroid, ↑adrenal gland, ↑adrenal, ↑suprarenal gland, ↑prostate gland, ↑prostate, ↑thymus gland, ↑thymus, ↑pituitary, ↑pituitary gland, ↑pituitary body, ↑hypophysis, ↑anterior pituitary, ↑anterior pituitary gland, ↑adenohypophysis, ↑pars distilis, ↑pars anterior, ↑pars intermedia, ↑posterior pituitary, ↑posterior pituitary gland, ↑neurohypophysis, ↑pars nervosa, ↑pineal gland, ↑pineal body, ↑epiphysis cerebri, ↑epiphysis, ↑islands of Langerhans, ↑isles of Langerhans, ↑islets of Langerhans, ↑adrenal cortex, ↑adrenal medulla, ↑corpus luteum, ↑gonad, ↑sex gland
Part Holonyms: ↑endocrine system

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: endocrine gland

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ductless gland,
a gland without a duct whose secretion passes directly into the blood or lymph circulating through it; endocrine gland. The thyroid, the pituitary, and the thymus are ductless glands.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.