
Henry I
King of England from 1100 to 1135; youngest son of William the Conqueror; conquered Normandy in 1106 (1068-1135)
Syn: ↑Henry Beauclerc
Instance Hypernyms: ↑King of England, ↑King of Great Britain

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1. ("Henry the Fowler") A.D. 876?-936, king of Germany 919-936: first of the Saxon kings.
2. ("Beauclerc") 1068-1135, king of England 1100-35 (son of William the Conqueror).
3. 1008-60, king of France 1031-60.

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Henry I [Henry I]
(1068–1135) king of England (1100–35). The youngest of three sons of ↑William I, he became king when his eldest brother ↑William II died, because his other brother Robert was away on a Crusade. Henry improved the administrative system of the country and established a system by which judges travelled around the country deciding cases.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.