
King of Great Britain
the sovereign ruler of England
Syn: ↑King of England
Hypernyms: ↑king, ↑male monarch, ↑Rex
Instance Hyponyms:
Canute, ↑Cnut, ↑Knut, ↑Canute the Great, ↑Charles, ↑Charles I, ↑Charles Stuart, ↑Charles II, ↑Edgar, ↑Edward, ↑Edward I, ↑Edward II, ↑Edward III, ↑Edward IV, ↑Edward V, ↑Edward VI, ↑Edward VII, ↑Albert Edward, ↑Edward VIII, ↑Duke of Windsor, ↑Edward the Confessor, ↑Saint Edward the Confessor, ↑St. Edward the Confessor, ↑Edward the Martyr, ↑Saint Edward the Martyr, ↑St. Edward the Martyr, ↑Edwy, ↑Eadwig, ↑George, ↑George I, ↑George II, ↑George III, ↑George IV, ↑George V, ↑George VI, ↑Harold I, ↑King Harold I, ↑Harold Harefoot, ↑Harefoot, ↑Harold II, ↑King Harold II, ↑Henry I, ↑Henry Beauclerc, ↑Henry II, ↑Henry III, ↑Henry IV, ↑Bolingbroke, ↑Henry Bolingbroke, ↑Henry V, ↑Henry VI, ↑Henry VII, ↑Henry Tudor, ↑Henry VIII, ↑James, ↑James I, ↑King James, ↑King James I, ↑James II, ↑John, ↑King John, ↑John Lackland, ↑Richard I, ↑Richard Coeur de Lion, ↑Richard the Lionheart, ↑Richard the Lion-Hearted, ↑Richard II, ↑Richard III, ↑William I, ↑William the Conqueror, ↑William II, ↑William Rufus, ↑William III, ↑William of Orange, ↑William IV, ↑Sailor King

Useful english dictionary. 2012.