
hollow out
remove the interior of

hollow out a tree trunk

Syn: ↑hollow, ↑core out
Derivationally related forms: ↑hollow (for: ↑hollow)
Hypernyms: ↑empty
rout, ↑gouge, ↑scallop, ↑scollop, ↑hole, ↑suck in, ↑draw in, ↑scoop out, ↑cavern, ↑cavern out, ↑cave, ↑undermine, ↑dig, ↑dig out, ↑excavate, ↑core
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something


They hollow out the trees

* * *

hollow out [phrasal verb]
hollow (something) out or hollow out (something)
1 : to remove the inside of (something) : to make an empty space in (something)

The kids were hollowing out pumpkins.

a hollowed-out log

2 : to form (something) by digging or cutting the inside of something

Workers hollowed out a tunnel through the mountain.

He hollowed out a bowl from the wood.

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Main Entry:hollow

Useful english dictionary. 2012.