
mental deficiency
mild mental retardation
Syn: ↑moronity
Hypernyms: ↑retardation, ↑mental retardation, ↑backwardness, ↑slowness, ↑subnormality

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: failure in intellectual development resulting in social incompetence that is considered to be the result of defect in the central nervous system and to be accordingly incurable : feeblemindedness — compare idiocy, imbecility, moronity

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mental deficiency noun
Mental retardation
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Main Entry:mental

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mental deficiency,
a lack of ordinary intelligence such as to place the individual at a disadvantage in school and adult life, ranging from mild (with an intelligence quotient between 70 and 85) to severe or profound (with an intelligence quotient below 50); feeble-mindedness: »

Mental deficiency, or feeble-mindedness, is an arrested development of the brain (Marguerite Clark).

Useful english dictionary. 2012.