
mental retardation
lack of normal development of intellectual capacities
Syn: ↑retardation, ↑backwardness, ↑slowness, ↑subnormality
Derivationally related forms: ↑subnormal (for: ↑subnormality), ↑slow (for: ↑slowness), ↑backward (for: ↑backwardness), ↑retard (for: ↑retardation)
Hypernyms: ↑stupidity
abnormality, ↑mental defectiveness, ↑moronity, ↑mental deficiency, ↑idiocy, ↑amentia, ↑imbecility

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a developmental disorder characterized by a subnormal ability to learn and a substantially low IQ.

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mental retardation noun
Retarded development of learning ability, whether arising from innate defect or from some other cause
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Main Entry:mental

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mental retardation,
a condition in which intelligence does not develop normally because of some anomaly during pregnancy, genetic defect, disease, or physical injury.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.