
n. & v.
1 a a building fitted with a mechanical apparatus for grinding corn. b such an apparatus.
2 an apparatus for grinding any solid substance to powder or pulp (pepper-mill).
3 a a building fitted with machinery for manufacturing processes etc. (cotton-mill). b such machinery.
4 a a boxing-match. b a fist fight.
1 tr. grind (corn), produce (flour), or hull (seeds) in a mill.
2 tr. produce regular ribbed markings on the edge of (a coin).
3 tr. cut or shape (metal) with a rotating tool.
4 intr. (often foll. by about, around) (of people or animals) move in an aimless manner, esp. in a confused mass.
5 tr. thicken (cloth etc.) by fulling.
6 tr. beat (chocolate etc.) to froth.
7 tr. sl. beat, strike, fight.
Phrases and idioms:
go (or put) through the mill undergo (or cause to undergo) intensive work or training etc. mill-dam a dam put across a stream to make it usable by a mill. mill-hand a worker in a mill or factory. mill-race a current of water that drives a mill-wheel. mill-wheel a wheel used to drive a water-mill.
millable adj.
Etymology: OE mylen ult. f. LL molinum f. L mola grindstone, mill f. molere grind
n. US one-thousandth of a dollar as money of account.
Etymology: L millesimum thousandth: cf. CENT

Useful english dictionary. 2012.