
attend to
1. get down to; pay attention to; take seriously (Freq. 1)

Attend to your duties, please

Syn: ↑take to heart
Ant: ↑neglect
Hypernyms: ↑mind, ↑bear in mind
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Somebody ——s somebody

2. work for or be a servant to

May I serve you?


She attends the old lady in the wheelchair


Can you wait on our table, please?


Is a salesperson assisting you?


The minister served the King for many years

Syn: ↑serve, ↑wait on, ↑attend, ↑assist
Derivationally related forms: ↑assist (for: ↑assist), ↑attendant (for: ↑attend), ↑attender (for: ↑attend), ↑servant (for: ↑serve), ↑servitor (for: ↑serve)
Hypernyms: ↑help, ↑assist, ↑aid
Hyponyms: ↑valet, ↑fag
Verb Group: ↑serve
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody


Somebody ——s somebody with something


Sam cannot attend to Sue

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attend to [phrasal verb]
attend to (someone or something)
1 : to deal with (something)

Please excuse me. I must attend to some business. = Please excuse me. I've got some business I must attend to.

2 : to give needed help or attention to (someone or something)

Volunteers attend to the park for the summer.

The hotel staff attended to my every need.

Please make sure that the guests are attended to.

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Main Entry:attend

Useful english dictionary. 2012.