
pass off
1. be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity (Freq. 1)

She passed off as a Russian agent

Hypernyms: ↑look, ↑appear, ↑seem
Verb Frames:

Something is ——ing PP


Somebody ——s PP

2. disregard (Freq. 1)

She passed off the insult

dismiss, ↑disregard, ↑brush aside, ↑brush off, ↑discount, ↑push aside, ↑ignore
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something

3. cause to be circulated and accepted in a false character or identity

She passed the glass off as diamonds


He passed himself off as a secret agent

Hypernyms: ↑pass, ↑make pass
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody PP


Somebody ——s something PP

4. come to pass

What is happening?


The meeting took place off without an incidence


Nothing occurred that seemed important

happen, ↑hap, ↑go on, ↑occur, ↑pass, ↑fall out, ↑come about, ↑take place
Derivationally related forms: ↑hap (for: ↑hap), ↑happening (for: ↑happen)
break, ↑recrudesce, ↑develop, ↑arise, ↑come up, ↑result, ↑intervene, ↑transpire, ↑give, ↑operate, ↑supervene, ↑proceed, ↑go, ↑come, ↑fall, ↑anticipate, ↑recur, ↑repeat, ↑go off, ↑come off, ↑go over, ↑come around, ↑roll around, ↑happen, ↑materialize, ↑materialise, ↑befall, ↑bechance, ↑betide, ↑concur, ↑coincide, ↑backfire, ↑backlash, ↑recoil, ↑chance, ↑shine, ↑strike, ↑turn out, ↑synchronize, ↑synchronise, ↑contemporize, ↑contemporise
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Something is ——ing PP


It ——s that CLAUSE

5. expel (gases or odors)
Syn: ↑emit, ↑breathe
Derivationally related forms: ↑emission (for: ↑emit)
Hypernyms: ↑exhaust, ↑discharge, ↑expel, ↑eject, ↑release
burp, ↑bubble, ↑belch, ↑eruct, ↑force out, ↑exhale, ↑give forth, ↑emanate, ↑radiate
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


Something ——s something

6. disappear gradually

The pain eventually passed off

Syn: ↑evanesce, ↑fade, ↑blow over, ↑fleet, ↑pass
Derivationally related forms: ↑passing (for: ↑pass), ↑evanescent (for: ↑evanesce), ↑evanescence (for: ↑evanesce)
Hypernyms: ↑disappear, ↑vanish, ↑go away
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Something is ——ing PP

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(of proceedings) happen or be carried through in a specified, usually satisfactory, way

the weekend had passed off entirely without incident

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pass off [phrasal verb]
1 pass (someone or something) off as (someone or something) or pass off (someone or something) as (someone or something) : to cause people to wrongly believe that someone or something is someone or something else

amateurs passing themselves off as professionals

He managed to pass himself off as the son of the famous actor.

She passed the poem off as her own.

They tried to pass it off as an original painting, but I suspected it was a copy.

a cheap piece of glass passed off as a diamond

2 Brit : to happen or take place in a particular way

The event passed off [=went off] with no major incidents.

The evening passed off quietly.

• • •
Main Entry:pass

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ˌpass ˈoff derived
(BrE) (of an event) to take place and be completed in a particular way

The demonstration passed off peacefully.

Main entry:passderived

Useful english dictionary. 2012.