
1. noun /ɡaɪ/
a) A support cable used to guide, steady or secure something.

A new guy started at the office today.

b) An effigy of a man burned on a bonfire on the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot (5th November).

Jane considers that guy to be very good looking.

Syn: dude, fella, homey, bloke, geezer, cove, fellow, chap
2. verb /ɡaɪ/
a) To equip with a support cable.

Swift and other satirists mercilessly guyed the unlettered self-importance of the peddlars of such soul-food, exposing their humility and self-laceration as an egregious and obnoxious form of self-advertisement (sexcuser, cest saccuser).

b) To exhibit an effigy of Guy Fawkes around the 5th November.

Terry Kilmartin [...], applauded for every ‘um’ and ‘ah’, knew that he was being guyed and had the charm to make it funny.

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