
1. noun /pɑːt,pɑɹt,paːt/
a) A fraction of a whole; a portion

Gaul is divided into three parts.

b) A distinct element or component

Hepaticology, outside the temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, still lies deep in the shadow cast by that ultimate "closet taxonomist," Franz Stephani—a ghost whose shadow falls over us all.

Syn: portion, component, element, faction, party, position, role, parting, chelek
See Also: apartment, depart, impart, partial, participate, participle, partisan, partitive, partner, party
2. verb /pɑːt,pɑɹt,paːt/
a) to leave

to part the curtains

b) to cut hair with a parting

I run the canoe into a deep dent in the bank that I knowed about; I had to part the willow branches to get in; and when I made fast nobody could a seen the canoe from the outside.

3. adjective /pɑːt,pɑɹt,paːt/
fractional, partial

Fred was part owner of the car.

4. adverb /pɑːt,pɑɹt,paːt/
partly, partially, fractionally
5. preposition /pɑːt,pɑɹt,paːt/
partially composed of

“ We cannot make a plodding and sensible community—a Holland or a Pennsylvania—out of a national personality which, whether by harsh circumstance or native tendency, is now part genius, part fanatic, and part hard-headed materialist.”

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