
1. noun /fɔːm,fɔɹm/
a) The shape or visible structure of a thing or person.

To apply for the position, complete the application form.

b) A thing that gives shape to other things as in a mold.

Its fair to say she has form on this: she has criticised David Camerons proposal to create all-women shortlists for prospective MPs, tried to ban women wearing high heels at work as the resulting pain made them take time off work, and tried to reduce the point at which an abortion can take place from 24 to 21 weeks.

Syn: figure, shape
See Also: formal, formula, formulaic, formulate, formulation
2. verb /fɔːm,fɔɹm/
a) To give shape or visible structure to (a thing or person).

By adding "-ness", you can form a noun from an adjective.

b) To take shape.

Insects form the biggest family group in natures kingdom, and also the oldest.

See Also: format, formation

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