
1. noun /ˈbʌɡə/
a) Someone who commits buggery; a sodomite.

The British Sexual Offences Act of 1967 is a buggers charter. (see [ Are judges politically correct?])

b) A foolish or worthless person or thing;

Hes a silly bugger for losing his keys.

2. verb /ˈbʌɡə/
a) To sodomize.

To be buggered sore like a hobos whore (Attributed to Harry Mclintocks 1920s era )

b) To break or ruin.

This computer is buggered! Oh no! Ive buggered it up. <!To go away, fuck off - this is covered in the bugger off entry

3. interjection /ˈbʌɡə/
a) An expression of annoyance or displeasure.

Bugger, Ive missed the bus.

b) Cutesy expression of very mild annoyance. <! even milder than "bummer"
Syn: bummer, damn, whoops

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