
1. verb /kləʊz,kloʊz/
a) To obstruct (an opening).

Close the door behind you when you leave.

b) To move so that an opening is closed.

Jim was listening to headphones with his eyes closed.

Syn: close off, close up, cover, shut, shut off, end, finish, terminate, wind up, close down, narrow, close out, exit
Ant: open, begin, commence, initiate, start, extend, widen
2. noun /kləʊz,kloʊz/
a) An end of something.

We owe them our thanks for bringing the project to a successful close.

b) An enclosed field.
Syn: end, finale, cul-de-sac
Ant: beginning, start
3. adjective /kləʊz,kloʊz/
a) Closed, shut.

There is nothinge so close, that shall not be openned, and nothinge so hyd that shall not be knowen.

b) At a little distance; near.

Is your house close?

Syn: close by, near, nearby, intimate, muggy, oppressive
Ant: distant, far, far away, far off, aloof, cool

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