
1. adjective /ˈnɛ(e)ɡəˌɾɪv,ˈnɛɡ.ə.tɪv/
a) not positive or neutral

I dont like to hang around him very much, because he can be so negative many times about his petty problems.

b) pessimistic; not tending to see the bright side of things.

The high exchange rate will have a negative effect on our profits.

Syn: undesirable
Ant: positive, nonnegative
See Also: negate, negation, negativism
2. noun /ˈnɛ(e)ɡəˌɾɪv,ˈnɛɡ.ə.tɪv/
a) an image in which dark areas represent light ones, and the converse

Geoffrey Riddell […] made a request of him for timber from his woods towards certain edifices going on at . , a great builder himself, disliked the request; could not however give it a negative.

b) a word that indicates negation
3. verb /ˈnɛ(e)ɡəˌɾɪv,ˈnɛɡ.ə.tɪv/
a) To veto
b) To contradict

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