
1. noun /frɛnd/
a) A person other than a family member, spouse or lover whose company one enjoys and towards whom one feels affection.

The Automobile Association is every motorist’s friend.

b) A boyfriend or girlfriend.

The police is every law abiding citizen’s friend.

Syn: bud, buddy, chum, mate, pal, crony, amigo, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, acquaintance, ally, admirer, booster, champion, protagonist, supporter, buster
Ant: enemy, foe, nemesis
2. verb /frɛnd/
To add a person to a list of friends on ones social networking site; to officially designate (someone) as a friend.

Lo sluggish Knight the victors happie pray: / So fortune friends the bold [...].

Syn: befriend
Ant: defriend, unfriend

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