
1. noun /ˈdɪtəʊ,ˈdɪtoʊ/
a) That which was stated before, the aforesaid, the above, the same.

Please run off twenty-four dittos of this assignment, for my students.

b) A duplicate or copy of a document.
Syn: ditto mark, do
2. adverb /ˈdɪtəʊ,ˈdɪtoʊ/
As said before, likewise.
3. verb /ˈdɪtəʊ,ˈdɪtoʊ/
To repeat the aforesaid, the earlier action etc.

The spanked rascal dittoed every part of pas lecture, knowing not dittoing would only make Sir repeat it, belting even harder

Syn: ape, echo

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