
1. verb /miːn/
a) To intend.

Anone he meaned hym, and wolde have had hym home unto his ermytage.

b) To intend, to plan (to do); to have as ones intention.
Syn: convey, indicate, signify, imply, intend, serious, bring about, cause, lead to, result in
2. adjective /miːn/
a) Causing or intending to cause intentional harm; bearing ill will towards another; cruel; malicious.

Watch out for her, shes mean. I said good morning to her, and she punched me in the nose.

b) Miserly; stingy.

Hes so mean. Ive never seen him spend so much as five pounds on presents for his children.

Syn: cruel, malicious, nasty, spiteful, selfish, unkind, damaging, fierce, harsh, strong, deft, skilful, skillful, top-notch, cheap, grotty, inferior, low, quality, naff, rough and ready, shoddy, tacky
See Also: medium, mediate, mediation, mediator, median, mediocre, mediocrity
3. noun /miːn/
a) A method or course of action used to achieve some result.

To say truth, it is a meane full of uncertainty and danger.

b) Something which is intermediate or in the middle; an intermediate value or range of values; a medium.

Mr Obama produced an only slightly less ambitious goal for deficit reduction than the House Republicans, albeit working from a more forgiving baseline: $4 trillion over 12 years compared to $4.4 trillion over 10 years. But the means by which he would achieve it are very different.

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