1. adjective /boʊn,bəʉn,bɐʉn,bəʊn,boʊn/
a) Of an off-white colour, like the colour of bone.
2. noun /boʊn,bəʉn,bɐʉn,bəʊn,boʊn/
a) A composite material consisting largely of calcium phosphate and collagen and making up the skeleton of most vertebrates.
b) Any of the components of an endoskeleton, made of bone.
3. verb /boʊn,bəʉn,bɐʉn,bəʊn,boʊn/
"They boned the roast before placing it in the oven."
b) To have sexual intercourse with.
So, did you bone her?
See Also: exostosis, myositis ossificans, ossature, ossein, osseous, ossicle, ossification, ossify, ossuary, osteal, osteitis, osteoblast, osteoclasis, osteoclast, osteocyte, osteogenesis, osteolysis, osteoma, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis, osteophyte, osteoplastic, osteoplasty, osteoporosis, osteosarcoma, osteosis, osteotome, osteotomy
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