
1. verb /fɪt/
a) Of an object, to be of the right size and shape so as to match another object.

I want to fit the drapes to the design of the room

b) Of clothing, to be of the right size and cut.

The speaker should be certain that his subject fits the occasion.

2. adjective /fɪt/
a) in good shape

I think the girl working in the office is fit.

b) suitable
3. noun /fɪt/
a) The degree to which something fits something else.

This shirt is a bad fit.

b) (Advertising) how well a particular commercial execution captures the character or values of a brand.

Since he put on weight, his jeans have been a tight fit.

Syn: blowout, hissy, tantrum, spell, moment, flurry, frenzy

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